Use Unique, Keyword-Rich Meta Descriptions
Utilizing on-
seo factors can help you give your website an element of uniqueness. During this process, keep an eye out for possible google penalties in relation to your meta tags, texts, video descriptions, etc.
發佈日期: 作者: seo 本站很少寫太簡單的廢話,但是今天破個例,因為這個很簡單的廢話,可以輕鬆並且有效的顧好頁內優化(on-page seo),我們來看看吧 … 這個廢話內容來自seomoz的這篇” 8 easy wins for on-page seo “,seomoz跟 matt cutts 一樣,經常說廢話,因此很多人看不下去而不喜歡經常逛他們的網站。 但是他們的廢話中,偶而會出現一些不可多得的好內容,因此忍受他們大量的廢話的代價是得到第一手的珍貴內容,算還不錯啦。 在進入正題之前,也不免俗套的廢話一下,seomoz經常說哪些廢話呢? 列舉一個最經典的例子就是: seomoz說,lda對於serp的關係係數是0. 17而非之前說的0. 32 (參考: http://www. Seomoz. Org/blog/lda-correlation-017-not-032 ) 上面的廢話就是大家都聽不懂他在講什麼個東西,就算聽懂 lda ,0. 17跟0. 32有何差別呢? 反正對一般人根本毫無意義。0. 17到底是指重要還是不重要? 如果重要是多重要? 如果不重要那幹麻算半天? seomoz許多廢話都是過度的統計數字化,但是其實忽略了一點,就是「關鍵字類別」與「網站類別」。 並不是一個評等因素(ranking factor)的重要性對於各種情況都是一體適用的,例如,有些網站從來不更新也能排在第一頁,但是有些網站沒有新內容就會慢慢消失。 再來說到matt cutts的廢話,就是如果問他哪些評等因素(ranking factor)是重要的,他一定回答: 我們對於各種訊號都很重視,為的就是要能夠提供給使用者精準的資料。如果問他對於seo的建議,他一定回答: 只要你的網站是為了讀者設想,也就能夠獲得好的排名。 你說是不是非常廢話嗎? ok,廢話講完了,這回seomoz說了一些不錯的內容。他說到八個簡單的步驟來做好頁內優化(on-page seo),敘述如下: 1. Canonicalize internal duplicates 這個說到,因許多搜尋引擎經常犯錯,把新舊網頁搞錯,或是內容判斷錯誤。因此對於內容重複的 canonical宣告 要特別注意。 也許內容重複不會真的被處罰(當然也可能被處罰),但是利用canonical宣告來讓搜尋引擎正確索引是絕對必要的。 有些搜尋引擎喜歡舊頁面,有些搜尋引擎喜歡新頁面,你必須確定之後去正確宣告,讓搜尋引擎去索引你的最有利的頁面。 而在內容重複上,有些不一定是真的重複,而是url上多出了一些變數名稱,例如: duplicates caused by session variables and tracking parameters duplicates caused by search sorts and filters duplicates caused by alternate url paths to the same page 第一個例子如 http://www. Mydomain-name. Com 與 http://www. Mydomain-name. Com?&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=another-domain 有時候多出的變數也都導向相同的內容,搜尋引擎並非都能正確的抓到該抓的網址,上面的網址就可能被當成兩個網址下有相同內容。 第二個例子如 http://search. Mydomain-name. Com/search. Php?cat=all&key=query-string http://search. Mydomain-name. Com/search. Php?cat=all&key=query-string&another_filter= 有時候在不同的網站來源,可能因為沒注意而多出一些不必要的參數。 第三個例子如 http://www. Mydomain-name. Com/my-another-domain 與 http://www. My-another-domain. Com 有些可能因為空間代管或是網址設定的關係,而出現不同網址導向相同內容。 要解決內容重複的問題,你就必須正確使用 canonical宣告 。 2. Write unique title tags 撰寫獨特的標題標籤(title tag)是區別你的網頁的最好方式。標題下得好不好,可能就決定是否能夠排名的一半因素(說一半也許太誇張,但是真的很重要)。標題標籤(title tag)會影響搜尋引擎的索引,也會影響讀者的判斷。 3. Write unique meta descriptions 撰寫獨特的描述標籤(description tag)是讓搜尋引擎及讀者了解網頁的最好方式。當你的頁面已經出現在搜尋結果頁面時,如果因為描述標籤(title tag)寫得不夠清楚而被讀者跳過,那真的是功虧一瞶。 4. Shorten your title tags 簡短你的標題標籤(title tag)可以讓主要關鍵字突顯出來,也可以讓讀者很清楚了解。但是並非長的標題標籤就一定不好,而是你必須把握精簡的原則,必須注意不必在標題標籤上重複你的關鍵字。 5.
Chapter 4: Write SEO Content
Keyword frequency basically means how many times a keyword appears in your blog post. For the longest time, google continues to deny that using the same keyword multiple times in the same content helps. However, seo experts with experience will tell you something different. For instance, let’s imagine you write one of your best blog posts yet, and google also seems to like it.
But then you use the focus keyword once on the page. How confident can the search engine giant be that your page is about that focus keyword?
it can be about many other things within your content.
Page content is the heart of on-page seo. It tells both search engines and readers what your website and business are all about. The first step to creating high-quality content is choosing relevant keywords and topics. Conduct keyword research by searching google for terms and seeing what surfaces for competitors and other websites. You can also use tools like ahrefs , answerthepublic , and ubersuggest. Write for your specific buyer persona(s). Actively solve your audience's problem. Develop content people will share and want to link to. Optimize for conversions with ctas to offers and product pages. Page content is your opportunity to communicate value to google and your site visitors; it's the heart of the on-page seo process.
Focused, keyword-rich meta title and description keywords in article headings and throughout the content internal links optimized images schema (if applicable) now, let’s say we’re using wordpress to write an article on how to reduce shopping cart abandonment. After you type in your article’s focus keyphrase (“shopping cart abandonment” in our case), all in one seo actually scans the article and tells you how to improve your usage of your keyphrase: then, you can scroll down further for even more on-page seo suggestions in the page analysis section. Use the tabs on the top to see all of the suggestions: have a type of content that you can use schema for? you can set that up in aioseo, too.
Content That Satisfies Search Intent
On-page seo helps search engines analyze your website and the content connected to it so that it can identify if a searcher’s query is relevant to your site. Google is constantly updating their algorithm so that it can better understand a searcher’s intent and deliver search results that meet that user’s needs. As google’s algorithm develops, so should your website. It is essential that your website and its content, including what is visible to users (i. E. Media, content, images) and what is visible to search engines (i. E. Meta data, html), are optimized to the latest practices used by companies like google and bing.
Keyword optimization is a cornerstone of seo. As google better understands nuanced language and search intent get more detailed, the focus has shifted towards more long-tail keywords that encompass detailed, specific keyword phrases. Think of your audience and the keywords they’re searching for; then create and optimize your website content around those keywords.
Now I’d Like to Hear From You
You may have heard of the baidu seo 101 podcast. Using on-page optimization to boost your website’s search engine ranking is crucial to success in china. The baidu algorithm prioritizes on-page content over off-page factors. For example, websites that are updated regularly and have completely renewed content rank higher on baidu’s serps. Additionally, websites with clear navigation and a flat hierarchical structure are easier to understand for the baidu spider and by your audience. On-page seo is all about making sure your users have an excellent experience and read relevant content. On-page optimization on baidu is similar to that of google.
2. 在 Title 加入 Modifiers(輔助語如:「最新」、「總整理」、「2020」等字詞)
為了在搜尋結果中吸引用戶點擊你的網站,標題的制定就顯得至關重要。標題一定要盡可能簡單明確的概括整個網頁的內容。一般建議中文字數30字以內(英文字數 50-60 字)。同時,也要包含目標關鍵字,且盡量放在愈前面的位置愈好。此外,也建議可置入品牌名稱、主要服務或產品關鍵字等,以增加品牌曝光度,提升點閱率。 頁面標題 title具體優化方針: 標題字數建議控制在25~30個中文字內,15-20個中文字最佳。 包含關鍵字且盡量置入標題的最前方,但切勿堆砌超過3個關鍵字。 盡量避免使用特殊符號(*#@)。 加入數字、年份,或是具吸引力的修飾字詞,例如:「最」、「必須」,「教學」、「終極指南」等等。 除此之外,建議不同的頁面內容可設定對應的標題樣式,例如:首頁標題建議採用「品牌名+品牌 slogan」;商品頁標題則是「商品(規格)+品牌名」;文章頁標題就用「文章標題+品牌名」等方式。.