2022 用 7 個步驟,寫出能上 Google 首頁的 SEO 文章!

在社群媒體大幅發展的時代,人們獲得知識的地方不再是只有 google、bing 了,社群媒體在提供問題解答,也發揮了巨大的幫助。 這也代表各家社群(像是 facebook、ig 等. marketing ),都是很好的流量獲取來源。 根據 optinmonster 在 2019 年發表的研究表示,在「 社群媒體 」分享文章,確實有助網站的搜尋引擎排名。( 訊息來源 ) 因此經營網站同時,站長也能同步經營社群媒體,在發佈網站文章時,也同步在社群上做推廣,就能導流進入到自己的網站。 社交媒體分享,雖然不是直接 影響 seo 排名的因素 ,但卻能間接觸及更多潛在讀者,讓你的網站更熱門。 除了利用社群媒體原本的知名度,借力使力,獲取反向連結+推廣自己的網站內容,也能夠適當推廣網站品牌知名度,可說是一舉兩得! 這邊有幾個經營優質社群的技巧,分享在下面,供站長們參考: youtube 頻道 為你的網站創建一個 youtube 頻道,帶來的效益遠比你想像中還要多。 youtube 目前仍是世界最大的影音串流平台,更高居全球網站訪問量的第二名,僅次於 google 首頁。 在 google 搜尋結果頁面 ,影片類型的排名是一片看好的藍海市場,競爭較一般網頁結果來得低,在高流量關鍵字當中,也可依靠影片類型,獲得不錯的排名。 以「 網頁設計 」關鍵字舉例,一般網頁結果中,排名的多是網頁設計公司,但在首頁的影片類型結果,可看見犬哥網站的影片教學,吸引使用者目光。 使用 facebook 經營另一個社群討論區,也是一個不錯的選擇。 儘管有分析報告和數據指出,使用 facebook 的客群年紀逐漸上升,現今多為 30 – 49 歲的中年為主。(來源: pew re search center ) 但 facebook 仍然是全球市占率最高的社群軟體,是全球一半以上社交軟體使用者,使用 facebook 作為唯一的社交平台。(來源: emarketer ) 另外,在亞洲區域使用 facebook 的用戶仍佔所有社群軟體使用者的最大成,擁有 9. 343 億用戶。 以上數據都在說明,facebook 客群雖然正在走向中年化,但我們仍需要在這個全球使用量最多的社交平台,擁有自己的一席之地,才會是經營品牌口碑的最上策:) 犬哥網站擁有 討論社團 、 粉絲專頁 ,可讓使用者在社團中討論問題,增加品牌和讀者之間的聯繫,也能夠在粉絲專頁上發佈更新通知,讓習慣使用 facebook 的使用者,取得最新的學習知識。 instagram 圖文經營 instagram 被認為是年輕人最愛使用的圖文社群軟體之一,使用者以 18 – 34 歲的年齡層為最大宗。(來源: statista ) 並且擁有超過 10 億用戶,和 twitter、tiktok 一起,被認為是成長率最高的社群軟體。(來源: digital imformation world ) instagram 更注重圖片的呈現,個性化排版和限時動態功能的即時互動性,被認為是吸引年輕客群的主因。因此客群越年輕化的網站品牌,越需要好好經營 instagram 平台。 舉例來說,later 和 sammie chan 位於美國,是兩個非常不同的品牌,但透過觀看它們的 instagram 排版,可得知品牌定位和調性。 近年來 instagram 新增購物&廣告功能,對於流行文化來說,這可以有效拉近使用者的距離,無阻礙的前往購物網站,更是 電商平台 應該要經營 instagram 重要原因。 犬哥網站目前也擁有 instagram 帳號( wp. Dog ),仍在持續更新&優化中,想在日常生活中汲取 wordpress 架站&seo 新知,歡迎追蹤:) 技巧 4:優化 e-a-t 排名指標 e-a-t 要素是 google 專屬的網站分析指標,e-a-t 分別代表三種意思:專業性(expertise)、權威性(authority)、誠信(trustworthiness)。.

Chapter 1: On-Page SEO Basics

On-site seo (also known as on-page seo) is the practice of optimizing elements on a website (as opposed to links elsewhere on the internet and other external signals collectively known as " off-site seo ") in order to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic from search engines. On-site seo refers to optimizing both the content and html source code of a page. Both on-site and off-site seo form two of the basics of search engine optimization when trying to rank your site. websites Beyond helping search engines interpret page content, proper on-site seo also helps users quickly and clearly understand what a page is about and whether it addresses their search query.

You have got a keyword in mind for which you want to rank? now how do you optimize your web page in a way that google understands you deserve a place on the first page of search results. On-page seo is your first step in making this possible. But before we discuss how you can optimize your webpage to rank on google and some advanced on-page seo techniques. Let’s start with on-page seo basics. In this article, we will cover the following topics.

Now that you know more about the basics let’s look into each on-page seo ranking factor. Then, use this on-page seo checklist to improve your free search engine rankings.

To understand the difference between on-page and off-page seo, it’s best to go back to the seo basics. There are three core types of seo: on-page seo refers to efforts made directly to the page you’re trying to optimize, such as improving its content or adding keywords. Off-page seo refers to efforts made on other pages of your site, or with other sites, to help your page to rank, such as with backlinking , listings, social promotion, guest posting, pr, and more. Technical seo refers to efforts involving the site’s source code, sitemap, speed, security, structured data, and more words that don’t begin with s.

Internal linking can be used to guide a bot’s visit to your domain and also to optimize navigation for real users. 3. 1. Logical structure and crawl depth: the aim here is to carefully structure menus and to ensure that a website hierarchy contains no more than four levels. The fewer levels there are, the more quickly a bot is able to reach and crawl all sub-pages. 3. 2. Internal linking: this determines how link juice is managed and distributed around a domain and can help increase the relevance of a sub-page regarding a particular keyword. A good sitemap is one of the most important onpage seo basics there is, and highly relevant, both for users trying to navigate around the domain and for search engine crawlers.

What is On-Page SEO?

Onpage seo(我們也稱之為頁面內seo優化)的重點只有一個:抓住關鍵點。 什麼意思呢?意思是你必須找到那一個「改變」—— 可以帶來主要流量的改變。 大多數白帽seo聚焦在一些比較有爭議的方法上,這些方法也並不總是可以帶來結果,我們則是只關注有效且可以顯著增加流量的方法。 (備註:想了解什麼是白帽seo,可以參考這篇講解 白帽&黑帽seo ) 你不太相信我們嗎?下面是一個我們負責執行的行銷活動,我們主要靠著改進onpage seo的內容來改善整個活動的成效: 你稍微有點相信了嗎?我們 seo 教學 裡的這個部分,我們將會和蓋那些我們在客戶身上看到的主要問題:.

內容的品質在 on-page seo 站內優化當中肯定是最重要的部分,因為內容才是你的本體,內容是你主要提供給使用者的資訊。 儘管 google 並沒有一個明確的規則來定義哪些內容是高質量、哪些內容是低質量, 但是透過一些標準,google 仍可以分辨哪些是好的內容 ,想了解更多可以參考 google 搜尋品質評估指南 。 從另外一個正確的角度來說,真正有價值的內容絕對是有益無害的,因此當你創造內容的時候,請先想一想:「如果是我,我會喜歡我所發表的內容嗎?」。 透過這種正確的觀念,能幫助你不斷發表更多更優質的內容,久而久之你也就會擁有越來越多的支持者,你的權威與專業就能慢慢累積起來。.

To assess the quality of internal optimization, it’s important to check the following factors: http status code, html size, meta tags, h1-h6 structure, google preview, text length, and text to code ratio. These are all the primary tasks of on-page seo analysis.

Although google looks at keywords on your page, repeating keywords is not on-page seo. Doing too much of this will actually harm your rankings. So let’s run through some sensible optimizations that will make a positive difference.

On-page seo是甚麼呢?on-page seo指的是網站內seo優化,on-page seo 網站內seo優化因為是你自己的網站,你可以自由的控制所有seo優化的因素,透過seo優化策略與技巧,使網站頁面能夠有更佳的使用者體驗與更高的seo搜尋引擎排名 如果自己有經營網站,那麼你更應該先進行on-page seo優化,透過on-page seo網站內優化,你就能比別人更有機會獲得更好的排名與更高的流量。.

Why is On-Page SEO Important?

While the technical aspects are important, one of the most crucial elements of on-page seo is content because this is what brings traffic to your site. However, not just any content will do. Today’s web users are looking for relevant, interesting, engaging, and informative content that fills a need or offers a solution. In other words, people must want to consume the content you’ve created, which can come in a number of popular content types , such as: blogs instructional articles quizzes and poles however, another important element about the content you create is that others must be able to link to it, which means avoiding content that requires a login, copyrighted material, and certain slide shows.

11. 12 important image seo tips you need to know discover the on-page factors that can make or break your seo success. Plenty of elements on your own website can help you get the rankings and traffic you want. But are you optimizing them right? what is on-page seo, and how can it help you meet kpis? on-page seo is a fundamental part of everyday seo. They are the on-page factors that can make or break your seo success. On-page seo is the practice of optimizing elements on web pages for seo– but it’s more complicated than you might think. It’s an overarching name for the combination of technical and content seo that revolves around optimizing individual pages.

On-page seo is important because many of the signals google uses to rank web pages come from on-page elements. Most important is the content of the page itself. Because on-page elements are what your users most engage with, it's worth considerable effort to make sure your on-page seo works well.

There are 3 types of seo to consider: on-page seo, off-page seo, and, finally, technical seo. As explained by neil patel , technical seo refers to any seo work that is done aside from the content itself. Meanwhile, on-page seo means all the things that you can do on your website/content, while off-page seo naturally means everything that is beyond it. Every type is important, but, if you want to start improving your seo step by step, we'd suggest beginning with on-page seo, then moving to its technical part, and, finally, polishing the off-page aspect. So, do you want to know my best seo techniques that you can easily implement yourself? then read on!.

Every seo strategy is focused on ranking as high as possible in the search engines. To do this, we all try to design and develop a website that google’s algorithm will love. That’s basically what seo is about. The factors in google’s algorithm can be divided into two categories which will determine the ranking of your website: on-page factors and off-page factors. On-page seo factors all have to do with elements on your website. Some of the most important on-page seo factors are: your site set-up and technical features, site speed in particular the quality of your content and use of keywords how you use additional media, such as images and videos.

Chapter 2: Optimize Your Content for SEO

In terms of seo, all the elements covered above are essential—they create the foundation for a discoverable site. Beyond that, the body copy of your webpage offers a real opportunity to optimize. There are no character limits, and it gives you your best chance to communicate to search engines what the content represents. When you begin to write body copy, revisit your keyword research to understand the types of search queries you’re seeking to answer with this content. Your goal should be to write body copy that answers the most common search queries associated with your target keywords. By doing this, you’ll naturally include variations of the keywords in the copy while still creating content that’s designed to serve real people who access your site.

On-page seo (also known as “on-site” seo) is the act of optimizing different parts of your website that affect your search engine rankings. Where your website appears in search engine results pages is determined by a number of ranking factors including site accessibility, page speed, optimized content, keywords, title tags, etc. On-page seo is about optimizing the stuff that you have control over and can change on your own website.

While keyword research is different from the other items on this list, but a very crucial part to on-page seo. Keyword research should influence the content that you create, the html elements on the page, and more. Keyword research is the foundation for creating strong content that is well-optimized for search.

March 3, 2021 by ken on-page seo (or on-site seo) is the process of optimizing your webpages to improve their rankings on search engine results. You can practice these 9 steps in order to optimize your on-page seo. The digital landscape is transforming so rapidly that succeeding in organic search requires constant optimization of your seo strategies. Not to mention a combination of several search engine ranking factors to consider; on-page and off-page seo. However, the reality is that off-page seo can’t do your content rank much good if you don’t pay attention to what’s really important. Generally, on-page seo is less complicated and technical.

On-page seo means making sure your website is optimized for search engines. You should make sure that your content is written properly and that it is easy to read. Also, you should use keywords throughout your site. On-page seo is a constant process. It takes time to learn about seo , but you must always stay ahead of the curve. You need to understand how google works, and how you can use that information to improve your website. Here are some of the most important things to consider when optimizing your site.



Use Unique, Keyword-Rich Meta Descriptions

19 Aug Why is SEO Important in a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Use Unique, Keyword-Rich Meta Descriptions